Aaron Silvenis on Chee-Tash Podcast

Aaron Silvenis apppeared on the CheeTash Podcast, where he discussed music publishing, touring,…

State Bar of MI Election 2023

State Bar of Michigan announces 2023 election results

Two newly elected attorneys will join…

Stephen Cohen on Local 4 news

OAKLAND COUNTY, Mich. – A 15-year-old boy is suing three players on an under 16 youth hockey…

Judge at table

TRAVERSE CITY — In the spring of 2019, three people in two vehicles were involved in a car crash in…

Up North Live

GRAND TRAVERSE COUNTY, Mich., (WPBN/WGTU) -- What was likely the state’s first court case to take…


Aaron Silvenis, Esq. of boutique firm Cohen, Lerner, Rabinovitz, is based in Royal Oak, Michigan. The…